More signposting
AIM: To practise using signposting phrases to break up and organise a list of questions.
INTRODUCTION: Using signposting in a medical interview allows the doctor to explain the direction they want to take the consultation in, and what they hope to achieve. This reduces patient uncertainty, allowing them to concentrate and contribute more effectively. It is particularly useful to use signposting when moving between the different sections of the consultation.
INSTRUCTIONS: Look at this sequence of a doctor's questions and statements from a consultation (the patient’s responses have been removed). Where does the topic change? What signposting phrases could you at add these points?
How can I help you today?
When did it start?
Have you ever had it before?
Where do you work?
How old are you?
How are things at home?
Are you in a relationship?
Are you sexually active?
Do you smoke?
Do you drink?
Do you take any recreational drugs?
Are you on any medication?
Do you have any allergies?
Does anyone in your family have any serious illnesses?
How is this affecting your life?
Do you have any other concerns?
Please get undressed behind that curtain.
We’ll run some tests.
There are many different possible answers here. The signposting examples listed below are one possible answer. The topic changes are italicised and the signposting phrases are in bold.
How can I help you today?
When did it start?
Have you ever had it before?
I’d like to start by just asking some general questions.
Where do you work?
How old are you?
I have to ask some personal questions now if that’s ok.
How are things at home?
Are you in a relationship?
Are you sexually active?
Do you mind if I ask some questions about your lifestyle?
Do you smoke?
Do you drink?
Do you take any recreational drugs?
OK, thanks for that, so
Are you on any medication?
Do you have any allergies?
Because some conditions can be hereditary, I’d like to find out about your family history.
Does anyone in your family have any serious illnesses?
To give me a better understanding about your situation, can you tell me
How is this affecting your life?
Do you have any other concerns?
If that’s all you wanted to see me about, I’d like to do a physical examination now.
Please get undressed behind that curtain.
I’d like to find out some more about your condition, so
We’ll run some tests.
I think that’s all we need to talk about today. Thanks for coming in, and we’ll be in touch.
FOLLOW-UP: Practise saying this text using different signposting strategies.