Leading questions feedback
NB. The answers provided here are suggestions only. There may be other ways to rephrase the question. The main thing to remember is that the question does not presume knowledge of the answer before the answer is given.
- And you’ve never experienced anything like this before? (This question assumes that the patient has never experienced anything like this before.)
would be better phrased as:
Have you ever experienced anything like this before?
(This question does not assume anything of the patient.)
- There’s no history of cancer in your family, is there?
would be better phrased as:
Is there any history of cancer in your family?
- You don’t really think this is related to your back pain, do you?
would be better phrased as:
Why do you think this is related to your back pain?
- How much pain are you in?
would be better phrased as:
Are you in any pain?
- How often have you taken recreational drugs?
would be better phrased as:
Have you ever taken recreational drugs?
- When are you planning to have children?
would be better phrased as:
Are you planning to try for a baby?
(if the patient says yes, then it would be appropriate to ask when they are planning to do so)
- How often do you drink alcohol?
would be better phrased as:
Do you drink alcohol?
(if the patient says yes, then it would be appropriate to ask how often they drink)
- And you don’t have asthma or anything?
would be better phrased as:
Do you have asthma, or any other conditions?
- What else are you worried about?
would be better phrased as:
Are you worried about anything else?
- What other health problems do you have?
would be better phrased as:
Do you have any other health problems?
- You aren’t allergic to anything, are you?
would be better phrased as:
Are you allergic to anything that you know of?/Have you ever had an allergic reaction to anything?